USA – 2008 (Cheney)


NEW Update!!! Version 1.6 is out. 🙂

Hi my fellow gamers.

Here’s my new what-if Scenario – Cheney 2008. Cheney succeeded Bush in 2007, after Bush got serious injured in a terrorist attack. Cheney decided to run for reelection as an Independent to unite America behind him on the upcoming challenges in the middle-east. He now faces both Republican and Democratic challengers. Can he win a full term or can the Republicans or Democrats restore the old order? Who will be successful?

Any Feedback, game reports or additional info is welcome. Thanks in advance.

If you have any ideas, tell me and I’ll try to include them.

P.S. Please forgive any grammatical errors as English is just my 2nd language. If you find something incorrect please say it to me and I’ll correct it asap.

Version 1.6 is out! It contains:

  • Off-Cheney as Republican (Of course you should turn off his Unity alter ego 😉 )
  • Gravel, Ruwart, Smith, Kubby, Phillies, Jingozian (all Libertarians)
  • John Roberts and Antonin Scalia as Republican VP Options
  • Jon Stewart and Gretchen Whitmer as Democratict VP Options
  • Jeff Bezos and Mark Cuban as Reform VPs

Have fun, any feedback is welcome.



United States – 2008 – President Cheney (v. 1.6)

*Last update 10/27/2015*

1960: Kennedy V. Nixon. Version 3.2


Download: United States – 1960 (v 3.2)

Incumbent President Dwight D. Eisenhower has become the first United States President to be term-limited.  His VP Richard Nixon has decided to run for the Republican nomination against a wide open Democratic field including the youthful Junior Senator from Massachusetts, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

-There are many blank descriptions throughout

v 3.2 (11/22/2015)

  • Adjusted many of the percentages for the Democratic Primary
  • Fixed a bunch of added momentum at the state level of many states for a bunch of early endorsers.  This should fix some of the problem with a candidate winning a few early endorsements and ending up with a ton of momentum.

v 3.1 (10/29/2015)

  • Adjusts Decided/leaning/undecided splits
  • Fixes bug with South Dakota.  GOP numbers now showing up there correctly.

v 3.0 (10/28/2015)

  • Bug fixes
  • Adjusted money coefficient and fundraising coefficient
  • also adjusted the cost of ad creation and running ads

v 2.2 (7/24/2015)

  • Added> Dem>VP>Sen. Albert Gore, Sr.
  • Added>Dem>VP>Gov. Orville Freeman
  • Added>Rep>VP>Sec. Robert B. Anderson
  • Robert Meyner (Dem) is now “On”
  • Fixed bug in the code that was preventing a user from being able to create more Democratic VP choices.  (This was a code issue)

 v 2.1 (5/31/2015)

  • Fixed bug where neither party was able to poll above 0% in the General Election.

v 2.0 (4/24/2015)

  • Added > New Jersey Gov. Robert B. Meyner as Democratic Candidate (off)
  • Added > Businessman Paul C. Fisher as Democratic candidate (on, only on NH ballot)
  • George Bender > “On”
  • Barry Goldwater > “Off”
  • Added West Virginia Gov. Cecil H. Underwood as Republican Candidate (only on ballot in WV and NE)
  • Did with the GOP primaries what I did recently with the Dem primaries.  I took candidates off ballots that they were not on and adjusted a few of the numbers.

v 1.9 (4/23/2015)

  • PAC’s are now “off”
  • Fixed issue with election ending before polls closed in Alaska

v 1.8 (4/22/2015)

  • Removed more candidates from ballots, in the Democratic Primary< that they were not on.
  • Set all candidates not on a particular ballot to 0%
  • Added George H. Mclain as a candidate.  (California favorite son candidate)
  • Mclain and Brown are now the only two on the ballot in CA and the only two with percentages here to start

 v 1.7 (4/21/2015)

  • Added “Unpledged Democratic Electors”  (This is rough as the game engine doesn’t work well with this type of event)
  • Unpledged electors have Hary F. Byrd as leader and Strom Thurmond as vice leader
  • Added a “blurb” for Nixon
  • PIP’s now equal for both Nixon and Kennedy
  • Added Favorite son candidates DiSalle and Smathers.  They are only on in their home state
  • Took some candidates off of primary ballots that they were never on.
  • Blurbs for DiSalle and Smathers
  • Changed the map color for Brown from the matching color with Morse\
  • This is a continual work in progress.  I still need to add more potential candidates and favorite son candidates.  Tweak who is on the ballot on what state, fixing percentages.  Tidying up endorsers and adding bios to everyone in the game without them.

v 1.6 (4/21/2015)

  • Updated some of the starting numbers and tightened up the party preference voting and lowered undecideds to create a more realistic 1960 electorate.  (particularly in the south)
  • Johnson is now in the VP list for Kennedy.  (You don’t have to offer Johnson the VP slot once Kennedy reaches the delegate count during the convention.  You can now just chose him from the regular list)
  • George H. Bender is now “off”
  • Changed a couple of the issues to a more 1960 platform.  Now includes Kennedy’s Catholicism as well as a general “cold war” issue.  Also reworked the descriptions for Government Spending.
  • Removed “war on poverty issue” this was really a 1964 and on Johnson thing.
  • Upped Kennedy’s Charisma and dropped his experience a bit.


v 1.5 (1/14/2015)

  • Updates delegate count for all 50 states plus DC in both parties.
  • Primary dates updated
  • State which had primaries had dates in the game for FPP primaries.
  • All other states have PR “primaries” that take place on the day before nomination during the respective party’s convention.

v 1.4 (12/22/2014)

  • Adds Fmr. Sen. George H. Bender as GOP candidate from Ohio.
  • Fixes endorsement issue where LBJ and Symington were being duplicated and endorsing themselves.
  • Fixed Spelling of “Symington”
  • Fixed Spelling of “Senator” on LBJ’s title
  • Slight change in Ohio numbers for GOP primaries to accommodate for Bender as a candidate.

v 1.3 (12/19/2014)

  • Fixes party conventions
  • Democratic: Chicago -> Los Angeles
  • GOP: Miami Beach -> Chicago
  • Dates fixed to July dates that conventions occurred on.

v 1.2 (12/16/2014)

  • fixed a few more primary numbers on both sides
  • Added Harry Belafonte as national endorser
  • The Tonight Show changed from “With Johnny Carson” to with “Jack Paar”
  • Sammy Davis, Jr. is now a national endorser

v 1.1 (12/15/2014)

  •  adds a slew of new endorsers including Henry Fonda, Sammy Davis, Jr, Eleanor Roosevelt, New York Post, etc.  Also added Marilyn Monroe as a surrogate for Kennedy.
  • Two of the favorite son candidates for the Dem. nomination are now on the ballot in their home states


Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated.  Just keep in mind that there are a slew of things that still need to be fixed here, but the spine of the scenario is in place and ready for a test run.


United States 2020 – Romney Term Limited

The Sequel to the United States 2016 – President Romney scenario…

United States – 2020 – Romney Term Limited

After eight years in power, the Republican Party must now wave goodbye to Mitt Romney. Despite a growing and strong economy and a balanced budget for the first time in twenty years, the GOP may be facing a tough election due to intensifying international issues in Russia, Korea, and the Middle East. Can the Democratic Party, reenergized and alive, recapture the White House after eight years on the outside?


Texas 2014 – Gubernatorial

Texas Gubernatorial – 2014

President Forever 2008 + Primaries

Author: Zion

Texans are known for their social and fiscal conservatism. Rick Perry has been the incumbent Governor since George W. Bush’s election as President in 2001. But demographic changes have seen areas north of the Rio Grande slowly turn blue. The Lone Star State has not elected a Democrat to state-wide office in 20 years. Can they turn the tide in 2014, and find a successor to the Democratic legacy of Lyndon Johnson and Ann Richards?

1996 – A Giant Sucking Sound

A Giant Sucking Sound – 1996

Author: Tayya

After the shocking win of independent businessman H. Ross Perot in the 1992 election, and the subsequent creation of the Freedom Party, the political future of the United States is impossible to foresee. Will the Democrats return to power after 20 years? Will Republicans elect a radical, or maybe a new Eisenhower? Or will Perot get a second term in office?

United States 2016 – President Romney (Full Edition)

United States – 2016 – President Romney (Full Edition)









After winning the White House in 2012, President Mitt Romney has overseen a considerable improvement in the US economy and budget. However, with the European Union hanging on by a thread, Israel and Iran poised for war, and NATO allies pulling out of Afghanistan, victory in 2016 may be a challenge for Romney. Can the Republicans hang on to 1600 Pennslyvania Avenue? Or will the determined Democrats reclaim the Executive Branch?