This will be a historical scenario completely based for the 1988 presidential election,I will also be doing a 1992,and 1996 presidential election after this is finished.
Thank you for the help:Jonathan Kudelka,Conservativeelector2
Expected release-8/3/16-8/5/16
After one of the largest wins by President Reagan in presidential election history,can his VP George HW. Bush capitalize on a strong economy and liked president.
George HW bush isn’t the only republican running and will face challengers.
Official Candidates Republicans(on/off):
-VP George HW. Bush (on)
-Sen. min. lead. Bob Dole (on)
-Televangelist Pat Robertson (on)
-NY Rep. Jack Kemp (on)
-Fmr. DL Gov Pierre S. du Pont, IV (on)
-Fmr. Sec. Alexander Haig (on)
-Fmr. NV Sen Paul Laxalt (off)
-Fmr. MN Gov Harold E. Stassen (off)
What if? Republicans (all off)
-Pres. Ronald Reagan
-Fmr. VP Gerald Ford
-Fmr. Astronaut Frank Borman
-Businessman Steve Forbes
-Businessman Donald Trump
Official Candidates Democrats (on/off)
-MAS Gov Micheal Dukkakis (on)
-Rev Jesse Jackson (on)
-TN Sen Al Gore (on)
-IL Sen Paul Simon (on)
-Fmr CO Sen Gary Hart (on)
-Fmr AZ Gov Bruce Babbitt (on)
-OH Rep Jim Traficant (on)
-OH Rep Douglas Applegate (on)
-Activist Lyndon Larouche (on)
-Fmr. LA Rep. David Duke (on)
-Mr.Andy Martin (on)
-CO Rep Pat Schroeder (off)
-DL Sen Joe Biden (off)
What if? Democrats (all off)
-TX Sen. Lloyd Bentsen
-NJ Sen. Bill Bradley
-ARK Sen Dale Bumpers
-ARK Gov Bill Clinton
-NY Gov Mario Cuomo
-Businessman Lee Iacocca
-MAS Sen Ted Kennedy
-GA Sen Sam Nunn
-Fmr VA Gov Chuck Robb
-Businessman Donald Trump
-TX Rep Ron Paul
New Alliance (on)
-Mrs.Lenora Fulani
-Businessman Ross Perot
-Businessman Donald Trump
Looking forward to this 🙂
I saw the CNN Race for the White House episode that featured the 1988 Bush-Dukakis race and wondered what would have happened if Dukakis was more aggressive in responding to the attacks. I’m really looking forward to this scenario.
I’ve been still working on a 1996 scenario. I should have it done soon or if you want to take it over. I can send it to you. I need to add polling and update endorsers.
— BuryGoldwater
@Burygoldwater that would be amazing,I am planning on doing 88′.92′,and 96′ so thatd be great help!
@Matt saw it to,inspired me to make it 🙂
I think Joe Biden should be on to start, I might be mistaken though. Otherwise looks fun can’t wait to play
This is awesome! I hope it will be continually updated to make it even more awesome! Great work!
what date to release?
Was this scenario ever done?
Any updates?
When will this be done?
You’ve got to add Donald Rumsfeld on the Republican side too, he attempted a run.
So, has anyone taken this project over?