United States – 2016 (expanded – minor parties)

Hi fellow PI gamers. 🙂


I started to make an expanded 2016 scenario. I added all minor parties and independents mentioned on Wikipedia. I gave them only ballot access in their home state, because I don’t know where they will be on in the real election. But I will update my scenario when further information will be available.

United States – 2016 (alternate version)

Please support me with your feedback and of course I plan to make further expanded elections based on Wiki information.

When the map-editor will be available I plan to make other scenarios such as Gubernatorial elections as well.

Have fun,

Luki (Conservative Elector 2) 🙂

18 thoughts on “United States – 2016 (expanded – minor parties)”

  1. For Bernie Sanders (Independent), you did not change the bio, so you still have the bio for Bloomberg.

  2. Also for the Republicans, you could add Josue Larose and Dennis Michael Lynch as they filed to run for the Republican nomination, but they dropped out. Robby Wells could be added as an independent because he initially filed as an independent. John Huntsman, Jr. could be added as an independent because he was thought of a possibility for an independent run. Jesse Ventura could be added as an independent because there was media speculation that he could run as an independent.

  3. It would be fun if Bloomberg was a Democratic candidate as well and tried to take on Hilary. So, could that be a possibility?

  4. Thanks for all the suggestions! 🙂
    I think the ‘what-if’-Bloomberg-scenario might be the most interesting.
    I will try to get them into the game after I finished my 2012 election, where some problems occured 🙁 Further information are in the forum.

  5. Also, David Hostettler has expressed interest for the Constitution Party. We could be added as one of their candidates.

  6. For the Prohibition Party, you could add Jack Fellure as an off Prohibition candidate for a what if he tries to get the Prohibition nomination again.

  7. Thanks! 🙂
    I just read that about David Hostettler today. Will add him soon.

  8. Veterans Party of America could be added. They are on the ballot in Mississippi. Peace and Freedom Party is on the ballot in California and Florida. Also, Gloria La Riva is running for the Peace and Freedom Party.

  9. Jimmy McMillan, the Rent Is Too Damn High Party founder, will run as a Republican starting in the fall, and he wants the RITDHP to nominate Deez Nutz, aka Brady Olsen. Deez Nutz could be added for that party with McMillan off, and on in the Republican Party primary.

  10. Dr. Marc Feldman of Ohio, Darryl Perry of New Hampshire, and Steve Kerbel of Colorado have announced for the Libertarian nomination. Also, Guy Schwartz, musician from Texas is running as an independent if you have not put him in yet.

    Andy Martin, birther theorist and perennial candidate from New York, and Jimmy McMillan, perennial candidate from New York, have announced that they are running for the Republican nomination.

    Harry Braun, researcher, 2004 and 2012 presidential candidate, from Arizona, has announced that he is running for the Democrat nomination. Also, Al Gore and Michael Bloomberg have expressed interest.

  11. Lawrence Lessig, professor at Harvard Law School, political activist, founder of Creative Commons and Rootstrikers, is running for the Democrats.

  12. Nathan Norman, activist and entertainer of Virginia, has announced he is running for the Libertarian nomination.

    John McAfee, developer of antivirus software, is running as an independent.

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